La ricerca ha trovato 2 risultati

da ThE KuKa
1 mag 2013, 18:02
Forum: Mod BBCode
Argomento: BBCode Magnetic Torrent
Risposte: 1
Visite : 1435

BBCode Magnetic Torrent

BBcode: [mag]magnet:?xt=urn:btih:{TEXT}[/mag] HTML: <script type="text/javascript"> var str="{TEXT}"; if (str.match("dn=")) { var fn=decodeURI("{TEXT}"); while (fn.indexOf("+")>0) fn=fn.replace("+", " "); str1 = fn.split("&"); cont = str1.length; for(a=0; a< cont; a++) { if (str1[a].match("dn=")) {...
da ThE KuKa
1 mag 2013, 17:55
Forum: Video BBCode
Argomento: BBCode TED Talks
Risposte: 1
Visite : 1417

BBCode TED Talks

BBcode: [ted]{TEXT}talks/{IDENTIFIER}.{TEXT2}[/ted] HTML: <iframe src="{IDENTIFIER}.html" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> Aiuto in linea: [ted]URL del video TED[/ted] DEMO: http://w...

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